jerusalem oak 【植物;植物学】总状花藜 (Chenopodium botrys) 〔产于美国北部和加拿大〕。
Separation of oligosaccharides in juice of jerusalem artichoke by thin layer chromatography 薄层层析法分离菊芋汁中低聚糖
Construction of intergeneric yeast fusant for production sorbitol from jerusalem artichoke 利用菊粉产山梨醇酵母融合菌株的构建
Effects of chromium and aluminum stress on peroxidase isozyme in leaves of jerusalem artichoke helianthus tuberosus 胁迫对菊芋叶片过氧化物同工酶的影响
In the next section , plant some jerusalem artichokes interspersed with white , yellow or red potatoes 在下一圈种植一些洋姜并间或点缀一些白/黄/红马铃薯。
Artichokes , eggplant and jerusalem artichokes grew together in gardens in more ancient times and provide necessary sustenance to one another 洋蓟、茄子和洋姜在更古老的时代便被种植在一起,互相提供必须的养料。
Legumes , certain vegetables cabbage , cauliflower , broccoli , onions , jerusalem artichoke , dried fruit and seeds tend to be the culprits 豆类植物部份蔬菜高丽菜花椰菜甘蓝菜洋葱jerusalem artichoke ,乾果和种子都会导致胀气。
Jerusalem artichoke is a new - style perennial species , which has high yield , alkali - resistance , the ability against drought , cold and extensive adaptability 摘要菊芋是一种多年生、高产、抗寒、抗旱、耐一定盐碱,并具有广泛适应性的新型物种。
Jerusalem artichokes are a root that has a delicious nutty taste and can be fried or dried and ground into another type of flour that could be useful in making bread , pasta or cereal 洋姜是一种好吃的坚果味的根,可以油炸,或烘干并制成一种可以用来做面包、意大利面食或谷类食品的面粉。
The excellent features and multifunctional traits of jerusalem artichoke are not only essential qualification for the development of herbivores , but also important to water and soil conservation and environmental protection 菊芋的许多优良特性和多功能特点,不但是发展草食畜禽的必要条件,而且对水土保持、环境保护有重要作用。
In order to provide theoritical foundation for the utilization of jerusalem artichoke ( ja ) resource , culturation of bifidobacteria and development of bifidobacteria products . this paper rather systernly studied the effects of ja on the growth of bifidobacteria , using jerusalem artichoke juice ( jaj ) and jerusalem artichoke powder ( jap ) as experimental material . in the first place , the effects of ja on the growth of bifidobacteria in vitro were studied . the results indicated that : jaj could stimulated the growth of b . longum ( blm ) and b . bifidwn ( bbm ) ; the more jaj content was added , the more promoting action was apparent ; the promoting action also varied from the different species . adding jap ( 3 % ) to skim milk could decrease the time of milk - solidfying of blm and bbm , and could increase the acid production in skim milk of the strains tested . secondly , bifidobacterium medium was developed using jaj as main material 本文以菊芋汁和菊芋粉为主要材料,较系统地研究了菊芋对双歧杆菌生长的影响,以期为进一步开发利用菊芋资源、双歧杆菌的培养及其制品开发提供理论依据。菊芋在体外对双歧杆菌生长的影响试验表明,菊芋汁在体外对长双歧杆菌( blm )和两歧双歧杆菌( bbm )的生长具有促进作用,其效果随着菊芋汁添加量的增加而增加,并且对不同菌种的促生长效果存在差异;在脱脂乳中添加3的菊芋粉可以缩短blm和bbm的凝乳时间,其原因可能为促进了试验双歧杆菌在脱脂乳中的产酸。